When you’re told you’ve got cancer, it’s dark.
Feeling trapped… endless questions… fear… Isolation makes coping with cancer even harder. Those you love, forced away.
You might feel lonely if your family and friends have trouble understanding and coping with your diagnosis, or if you are too sick to work, socialise with others or enjoy your usual activities.
That’s why Cancer Council NSW is here to help.
There has never been a greater need for Cancer Council’s 13 11 20 Information and Support line, especially now with the uncertainty of the impact Covid-19 has on people affected by cancer.
Our experienced health professionals speak with some of the most vulnerable in our community.
The free cancer helpline is run by experienced health professionals offering expert advice and support to those dealing with a cancer diagnosis.
Anyone can call 13 11 20: people living with cancer, their families, carers and friends, the general public, workplaces, and healthcare professionals.
Cervical cancer survivor Bridget recalls feeling overwhelmed with anxiety that her cancer could return after her final operation.
But a phone call to the support line made a significant difference.
“I reached out and the health professional who took my call listened to my concerns and navigated me to supportive care services like counselling which helped me cope.
It would be a completely different story if I hadn’t reached out. That support was lifesaving.”
Please consider making a generous gift today to help bring light to someone living with cancer
This life-saving service is funded entirely by generous people like you.
Your support today can help ensure that there will always be someone there to answer the phone. Because no one should face cancer alone, at home, in isolation.
Regular giving also provides long-term and predictable income benefiting those that need cancer support or information, when they need it.