Make a tax deductible donation today.

Cancer Council is committed to our vision of a cancer free future, for as long as it takes. It's why we're Here For Life.

Donate before June 30.


Donate this tax time to change the future of cancer

Your tax deductible donation helps people affected by cancer and brings us closer to a cancer free future.

Every dollar goes towards:

  • world-class cancer research that improves the way cancer is prevented, detected, and treated
  • cancer support services that ensure no one has to go through cancer alone, no matter where they live
  • cancer prevention programs that reduce the risk of cancer in our communities
  • advocating governments to achieve positive improvements to cancer policies.

“The financial stress was worse than the stress of dying”

In November 2019, Ryan Channells was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma. The day after his diagnosis, the passionate member of the Wauchope Rural Fire Service went right back to fighting the bushfires that were threatening his community.

Ryan didn’t know how he would support his young family while travelling hours to Sydney for treatment. Cancer Council NSW helped with transport and accommodation costs, which allowed him to focus on his treatment.

Your tax deductible donation could help support people like Ryan and his family during these difficult times.

Would you like to donate Once or Monthly?


Support cancer prevention and advocacy campaigns to educate the community
Educate children about the importance of being SunSmart
Enable cancer patients to get to their life-saving treatment with the Transport to Treatment program


Provide long term and predictable income benefiting those that need support or information when they need it
Allow life-saving research projects to be planned and coordinated in advance ensuring every new discovery is explored to the fullest
Receive bi-annual updates on what your support is helping to achieve

Calculate your potential tax benefit

Enter your donation amount and select your income bracket to estimate your potential savings.

*You may be eligible for a tax deduction for your donation over $2. These figures are based on Australian Taxation Office 2023/24 figures (excluding the Medicare levy) according to your individual circumstances. The amounts shown in the calculator above are a guide only, you should always seek independent financial advice.

Donate now

Cancer Council FAQs

Where does my donation go?

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Your generous donation will help fund Cancer Council's life-saving research, prevention and advocacy programs, and information and support services.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

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Yes. Cancer Council NSW is registered with the Australian Taxation Office as an Income Tax Exempt Charity: Charitable Fundraising Authority No. 18521. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

Will I get a receipt after donating?

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Yes. Please ensure you enter the correct email address when donating to receive your receipt.

How else can I contribute?

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There are many ways you can get involved and help change the lives of people affected by cancer. Some examples are: